Come race day we had a complete team age range from 49-23 from all different lifestyles, jobs, aspirations. The race took us 12 hours and 18 minutes and we were the first team to cross the finish line together feeling exhausted, excited, and accomplished.
Though I didn’t run the full 100 miles myself, when I was running, I felt like I was. A couple hours after jumping in and out of the van in spurts, the heat, the nervousness of not getting lost on the unmarked course, and the competitive nature in all of us to keep expanding our already established lead took a toll on each of us. Yet the funniest part of all was that we felt like we crossed the finish line with life long friends.
We all walked away from that race back into our separate lives that will lead us to different places, but we will always look back and remember this race.When people ask me what I did last weekend, I'll just answer: you wouldn't believe me if i told you...but I did something really cool that I’ll always remember.

This the same sense, this is the way I feel about my peace corps journey to panama.
It wasn’t necessarily on my list of things to do but once the opportunity came up, I added it. When I complete my 2 years of service I will proudly cross it off along with a whole lot of other things that haven’t even crossed my mind that I will do.
I am feeling a little nervous and over welmed because I don’t know what I’m getting myself into but I will get through it one day at a time…the same way that we completed the 100 miles putting one leg in front of the other. I know that I am going to feel lost and confused during my service but there will be signs along the way that will point me in the right direction and there will also be teammates that will guide me.

Come our departure date, April 21, we will have a complete team of diverse people each bringing with them their talents and drive. This race will take 2 years and 3 months, but when we cross the finish, we will feel ready to be done, exhausted, and accomplished. We will all walk away to our separate lives that will lead us to different places, but will always look back and remember that journey in Panama.
When people ask me what I am going to do in less than a month, I’m just going to answer: you won’t believe me if I told you…but I’m going to do something really cool that I’ll always remember.
When people ask me what I am going to do in less than a month, I’m just going to answer: you won’t believe me if I told you…but I’m going to do something really cool that I’ll always remember.