Peace Corps Panama

Hello, welcome to my blog. I created this blog as I am preparing to leave to Panama for the next 27 months. I will be serving as a Sustainable Agriculture Systems Extension Agent. I will try to keep my blog as updated as possible. Come Visit and Stay tuned so that I can share this experience with you.

Hola, Bienvenidos a mi Blog. Me estoy preparando para ir a Panamá los próximos 27 meses. Voy a estar sirviendo como agente de Sistemas sostenibles de Agricultura. Tratare de mantener este blog lo más actualizado posible. Vénganme a visitar. Manténgase informados con mi blog para que pueda compartir estas experiencias con ustedes.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This is a lone one....

I´m bad at keeps things short...=)

So it has been a while since i have been able to update this blog, and by while I mean almost 2 I´ve been debating how to cover what has happened in the past week and a half and I´ve decided try to briefly discuss what has occurred.

I´ll start by saying that Princessa in doing all better. She has been chasing chickens since last Monday. Right now she´s starting to put on some of the weight that she lost during the week that she was sick.

Update on the construction of my house: none...other than we moved some of the pieces of wood, that we cut a couple weeks ago, over from Tin´s house to the area in front of where my house will be. It took 8 men, 3 horses, and me to move these 8 pieces of wood 2.5km. The heaviest pieces are still over there and the forecast doesn´t look promising for moving the other wooden logs any time soon. The road to Tin's house is almost inaccessible through any vehicle anytime it rains...even if it is only for a couple minutes. All I can do is wait and see what happens.

Last Sunday was the begining of the Santa Librada Festivities. Santa Librada is the patron Saint of Las Tablas. The festivites are a week long and they include everything from Processions with the statue to bull fights and pollera contests. I was there for the start of the Festivities. I went with a couple people from my community. Shorty after our arrival in town, a parade started led by people of all ages dressed in the tipico attire and dancing to tipico music. That part was followed by a parade of horses with the Reina de la Pollera on the lead horse. After the procession, most of the community scattered from the main street to all the little stands that were around selling cutaras (leather, handmade sandlas), sombreros, keychains, hamburgers, hotdogs (in every form), smoothies, pinchos, cotton candy, popcorn, and mariquitas (just to name a few). Curiosity got me a backstage pass into one of the little cafès to learn how to make carimanolas...a meat empanada made with yucca instead of maize. I ended up helping the cooks in the back put together about 80 in about a half hour. I was sweating back there but I enjoyed the experience. The people in the kitchen also got a kick out of seeing me help them make them.
I caught up with the rest of the group at the Park in the middle of the Plaza and spent the rest of the evening walking around and looking around at all the different kinds of things that were to see, taking in all the smells, and all the music. The procession with the saint started at around 8pm and ended around 11pm. Once the procession was over, we headed back to the comunity, a couple pounds heavier from all the food, with an authentic panamanian sombrero, and sore feet.

Last Monday was Colombia`s Independence day! I didn´t do anything special to celebrate but I did got to the school in Los Toretos, a community nearby where some of the students from Santana attend. It was one of the best days I had had til that point. The school has 2 rooms, a little kitchen, 1 teacher, and 6 students. There are only 3 grades taught: 1&2 together and 6th. My plans were to observe the class but I ended up teaching that same day an english class and a computer class.

Last Tuesday I went into the city for a dentist appointment. It took forever to get there and I saw the dentist for a couple minutes and was free the rest of the day. I ran some errands at the Peace Crops office and then met up with Mark ( who had just gotten in from Vegas) for dinner at Beirut…delicious Lebanese food that I had been craving. After dinner he gave me a bag that my parents had sent me a couple weeks ago with SO MUCH COOL STUFF!!! My favorite part were the sour worms! Once again I stayed at Costa Azul and thoroughly enjoyed the big bed, pillows, HOT shower, and AC. I must admit though that the AC got me a little sick since I´m not used to it anymore.
When I got back the next day to my community, I went straight to work. With Ricardo and some kids in the community, we planted cucumbers. It went by pretty quick cause I just pointed to the holes and the kids planted the seeds.
The next day, some MIDA (Miniserio de desarollo agropequario) workers came by to meet me and offer their services. They told me that they were willing to help me and the community with whatever projects they could.

After they left, I painted the first 3 roof tiles. One of my ideas for the community is to paint old broken roof tiles with TIPICO things like cattle, horses, maize, corn, polleras to then sell at the festivals in Guarare and las Tablas. I drew a couple samples. We will see how this project goes. If nothing else, I know I will enjoy doing it…haha.

Friday we did the first fundraising activity with the community. It was a lot of work to make and sell those tamales. Walking door to door was not easy…especially since the tamales were only sold for a QUARTER. I still cant believe it. That day we made 90, sold all of them but got paid for less than half...that´s how they do business here! RIDICULOUS. We had a meeting that night after the last tamales were sold. There I started to see why working in these kinds of communities is SO HARD. Some of the people there, mainly one actually, was under the impression that I was going to organize this group so that at the end of the year they could divide the money raised amongst all the people who participate and are part of the group. I told them that the money raised SHOULD be used to invest in things that can bring the group more INCOME not disperse it and loose it all. That meeting ended and I was a little sadden by the reality of the situation.

Saturday I went to a Cavalgata (a horse parade) in another community. I went with the grandfather of my community. It was about 1.5 hours away and the parade/procession was (in honor of Santiago the apostle) was about 15minutes…ahaha. It was followed by a Catholic Mass. The priest was harsh on the community. He called out people left and right for things they were doing wrong, but I thought his homily was great. Shortly after the priest gave his final blessing, we left back to Santana and brought back some star fruit, words of wisdom and a sore tushy.

Sunday there was a Junta de arroz…a party for planning rice. It took all morning! There were men showing up from all over the area to help Algis plant his rice. The men were all surprised that I was able to withstand the heat and work with them out in the field. It is hard work, like I said before. To top it off, my hand started swelling cause I got bitten by two crazy ants! The men had a bottle of SECO-tequilla, which they suggested I put on my hand to make it My hand is still swollen now.
When the junta was over, all I wanted to do was take a nice long shower…BUT OF COURSE there was NO WATER when we got back to the house. Yanira and the girls decided to go to the creek to shower…we took Princesa to shower too…she didn´t like it much..ahaha. The creek was no deeper than my shin, and full of little fishes, shrimp, and sardines that were nibbling at my feet (a little annoying).
Instead of crashing to sleep all afternoon, which is what I wanted to do, I sucked up my exhaustion and went over with Yanira to the store, tienda that she owns. We started re-organizing and cleaning all the merchandise. While doing that we discussed possible changes to improve the store, sales, and decrease the debt . All the kids in the community helped which was nice. At the end of the day, you could already see the envornment of the store changing to a more professional one!

Not everything was peachy in the environment though... Later that evening, some of the members of the community voiced their opinion of how they didn´t want to be a part of the group I was organizing because they didn´t agree with they way things were being done. They told me that I needed to adjust and understand how they did business here. The convo quickly escalated and some kids even got involved saying that they had formed their own group with Ricardo (my host´s husband) to show me and the other adults how to run a group properly. That really hurt because At no point have my intentions been to do anything but try to help these people and here they were telling me that they didn´t want or need my help. I couldn´t help the tears that were ready to erupt from within me. I excused myself and left as fast as I could. As I walked to Yanira´s house, I felt more alone, frustrated, and discouraged than ever. The PC warned up that our work was going to be hard….but I didn´t believe them until then. It´s very hard to hear or feel as if your working towards something that the people who are benefiting from it don´t even appreciate or even want.
I later calmed down and went to bed knowing that Monday would bring a new week and an new day!

I decided that I am gonna let the community organization go for a little and try to do things with people one on one. Maybe later they will realize that if they work in a GROUP they can accomplish more….but then again, HOW do you teach people to work together when they just DON´T want to?

Yesterday I went back to the school to teach English and Computer class again. There I used the computer to write a letter to the representative for help with the projects that I have in mind for the information center (that some members of the community say is impossible to get). I also wrote to the MIDA officers who came to visit, requesting some seeds for different members of the community.

Some exciting news: Shiv( TEA volunteer in Guarare), Bonnie(ex-volunteer, owner of the bed ´n breakfast in El puerto), and Riego (Head of tourism organization in Guarare), from Guarare are interested in doing tourism projects with Santana. They want to come this week to meet with me and some members of the community and see what potential the community had for these kinds of agro-tourism.

On the emotional front, I find myself crying and getting emotional over the smallest things...what can I say...I GET INVOLVED...I let things get to me. So the way I see it, I have two choices now: Toughen up or operate on my tear ducts...haha. There have been some really low lows....but this is a new week and already some things are falling into place. baby steps.... It´s all part of the process.
I miss my family and friends, and Peter very much!
The end of the month couldn`t have come any slower, I was struggling to get through with some 4 dollars that I had in my hand. Soon we will enter a new month, with a new paycheck coming in and with a little better idea of the reality of working in my community.

Birthday shout outs to Ricardo Cabrera and Bruno Ocampo.
Shout out to my Cousin Carolina Rodriguez in Bogota, who won the beauty peagent...Miss Cundinamarca (province which Bogota belongs to) and who will be preparing for the Miss Colombia Pageant in November in cartagenta...God willing I will be there to see my family and celebrate her possible victory. She is the second Miss Bogota in the Family...
Debbie in 1995 and now Carolina in 2009.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Caramelo Escaso...

From Santana: Month 1

Yesterday afternoon when I came home from town ( from visiting Princesa at the Vet's office), I was met by a sworm of kids on the street. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying because they were all screaming at the top of their lungs. I was able to catch a couple words...LLEGÓ, APÚRATE, CABALLO.
Then I put it all together. They were telling me to hurry, that my horse had arrived. As I approached the last hill before Dochi's house, my heart started beating super fast. The blistering headache that had been eating at me all morning was gone, instantly. As I turned the corner, there he was!

His owner, Israel Vasquez was waiting on a trunk of wood. We had agreed on $125 for the horse and he was asking for $40 for the saddle. After looking the saddle over, I offered him $150 total. The saddle was falling apart...but a saddle is better than no saddle. He reluctantly agreed and we signed a little document I put together:

Yo, Israel Vasquez, le vendo el caballo caramelo y la
montura este dia 15 de julio del 2009 por el precio de $150 ( ciento
cincuenta dolares).

el firmo _____________ yo firme ______________

2 testigos firmaron: __________________, ____________________

Once I Israel signed the horse over, I quickly went over to MY horse and gave him a huge HUG! Then I unsaddled him and took him over to the hose. I gave him the best longest shower of his life. When he was done, I gave him some corn husks and some plantain leaves. Then Benigno and I went to let the horses out to pasture! That was when I decided to name him Caramelo Escaso. I tried to think back on all the birthday, Christmas, toothfairy, and eyelash wishes that were finally coming true. As he walked away in the pasture with the sun setting on the mountain in the background, I thought about how long I had waited for this moment.
From Santana: Month 1

This cat keeps finding the Craziest things... Last night he found this lovely creature trying to sneak into the kitchen...

Got to love cats...hahaha

From Santana: Month 1

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ups and Downs of PC service

I just got back into town because Princesa is in the Hospital...She has ParvoVirus that affects her intestines and her heart. She has been vomiting since Sunday and yesterday starting with bloody diarrhea. She is really weak but I hope that she makes it through the next couple days. I have gotten really attached to her.

From Santana: Month 1

Yesterday I was really sad when I had to leave her. There is one transport that goes in and out of my town so I had to go. I cried a lot of the afternoon but the kids in the community wanted their first english class so I had to wipe my tears and compose myself. The first class was okay. There were about 6 or 7 kids from ages 5-15. To my dismay, they had trouble writing the alphabet in spanish. Though almost all of them have english class in school, I started with the basics, the alphabet. Then we got into presentations, like Hello, my name is...I am from....I know these kids have different study habits and work ethic but I know they will learn fast.

This past weekend, we built a clay oven at Benigno's house. We worked on it all day. It was difficult because there were times when there were up to 10 people working and then there were times when there were 3...(2 kids and myself). Most of the men that were there were helpful. I did bump heads with my host's husband because he seems like the type that likes doing things at his pace. No one in the community thought the oven was going to be completed that day. They all thought we would start...but finish it later. I am not sure exactly how the oven will turn out since I have never made one before, but I hope that it works! I was happy to surprise the community and show them that things can be FINISHED. They are used to doing things slower, i understand, but when you want something finished, you need to focus on it and stay on it until the end. I think working with my host's husband will be most difficult since he is so hard headed.

Part of this experience i guess is doing things, even when you don't want to or are discouraged. On Sunday there were times where I just wanted to give up on the oven. It was hard work, mostly physical (collecting the fresh cow menuer from the fields around and walking it over to the place where the oven was going to be made, using a pick ax to get the clay and using a broken wheel barrel to bring it over to the area, clearing the area where the oven was going to be made, building the roof over the oven to protect it from the rain); not to mention the emotional struggle of conflicting personalities... and yet i had to suck up whatever emotions were errupting in me and finish the oven. Yesterday when all i wanted to do was be with my princess, I had to gather myself and teach these kids, reminding myself to have patience with them for not knowing the alphabet in spanish let alone english.
The Oven:

I bought a horse on Saturday afternoon! He arrives at my site tomorrow afternoon. For those of you who know me, YOU UNDERSTAND HOW BIG A DEAL THIS IS!! I can' believe i'm finally going to have MY OWN horse!
Gracias Luz Mila!!

From Santana: Month 1

From Santana: Month 1

Funny Image: the house cat brought in her dinner sunday night...I caught her trying to run out of the house when she realized that bringing in dinner was a bad idea... RIP little Birdy

Friday, July 10, 2009

Princessa Bella

From Santana: Month 1

HERE is my little Princesa. I know that she looks adorable but she can be a little devil sometimes. She is super playful and is doing a lot better than when I first got her. This morning she had worms coming out of her tush so I got her some parasite meds at the Vet´s office in Las Tablas. She is super playful and loves chasing the chickens all around the house hahaha.

I get nervous when I leave her at the house alone, but my host family says that she already knows that this is where she is fed and that she won´t run away.... I sure hope not!

SNOOPY!!!!! I love you and I miss you....I can´t wait to see you! I keep telling Princesa all about how good you behave and how awesome you are. I hope she doesn´t start getting jealous of you...hahaha

Cultural Snapshot 2

The last couple days I have cooked to show them some of the meals that I like to eat that are AMERICAN. I also do it to help around the house a little since I have invaded their home for the last couple days and will keep invading for the next couple weeks.
My host seems to enjoy the break. Between us, I don´t really like all the fried food that they eat all the time =(.

From Santana: Month 1

First meal I made was little soft tacos with guacamole,tettuce, refried beans, ground beef, and whole wheat tortillas. All the kids that tried it loved it...HOWEVER... They all added a mound of Rice and corn to their plates. They found it quite odd that I ate the plain taco.

The second meal I made was Pasta with tuna. That one wasn´t as much of a success. One of the girls in the house didn´t like it and I don´t blame her. I didn´t eat this until I got to college and realized how cheap tuna is and how fast and easy this plate was to Again they added a mound of rice.

The third meal I made was Chicken Alfredo. This was yesterday afternoon. It came out incredibly delicioso I might add. As each of the family member trickled into the kitchen to get their plates, they looked up at me and asked where the chicken was...and then of course....DONDE ESTA EL ARROZ. I tried to explain it to them that RICE and PASTA are both when you eat ONE you don´t eat the other. It went in one ear and out the other as they walked away with their chicken alfredo with rice and avocado

From Santana: Month 1

Ohh well...I guess it´s pointless but at least i´m trying to show them something different than fried chicken, fried hotdogs, fried tortillas, fried beef and RICE

Culture Snapshot:

I think that i´m going to try and post Culture Snapshots everynow and then.

Here is the first one:
I´ve been coming in the last couple days to town for various reasons. One is my new puppy and the other in Gaby, one of the girls in the community, was competeing in the HighSchool Beauty Pageant. The twist to this contest is that the candidate that collects the most amount of money is the one that wins...

On Wednesday there was a caravan where she sat on a car and drove around Guarare... and we followed in cars... catching glimpses of her every couple turns. I had the misfortune of going in the car with her mother, who was a nervous reck... lets just say it was a difficult afternoon...she reminded me a lot of my aunt: Mercedes.

Yesterday,Thursday, there was a show. The show started with a dance number to MAMBO NUMBER 5. Then that was followed by a runway show. Students from the school claimed that modeling was amoung the student body´s many talents. These girls, and guys were serious. Tyra would have had a field day at the show. Gaby wore 3 outfits: first was casual ( brown shirt, jean shorts, and bronze high heels), second was coctail dress ( a little green dress with the bronze shoes), and the third and final was an evening gown.

In the end, the other candidate raised more money and ended up winning. Gabriela is now Princess of her High School. This afternoon there is a dance at the school in celebration of the New Queen and Princess of the school.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So I´ve arrived!

From Santana: Month 1

I´ve arrived at my site.... to stay this time. Last week I spent a couple days in Santa Clara beach. Un fortunately it was rainy and overcast all the days, but it was nice to hang out with the group for the last time.

Thursday last week i got some bad news. Yanira, my counterpart in Santana who was taking care of my baby... chandoso, called me. She told me that he didn´t make it...and had died that morning... :(... even though i hadn´t gotten to even touch him, i was still sad. I had been looking forward to seeing him as soon as I got to my site.

When I arrived in Santana Friday afternoon, there were a couple people waiting for me at Yanira´ s house. It was really nice. To my surprise, the girls had moved out of their room and they had placed a table for me in the room for my books and stuff, and they had installed a DOOR. I was not expecting that at all. It was really nice of them. Before I was done unpacking, I went outside insearch of material to build my self a shoe rack...and this is what I found:

From Santana: Month 1

Saturday on the Fourth of July I went to a Matanza in a nearby town. In the middle of the party, they congratulated me on my independence day... it was really nice. The women were all dressed straight out of Dolphin mall sale... specifically PAPAYA store... ( Manuela, you know what I mean.)

Sunday I met Bonnie Birker, a former Peace Corps Panama Volunteer in El Puerto, 3km from Guarare. She served here 40 years ago as a volunteer here and came back now to open a Bed & Breakfast... Her place was awesome and she was too.

From Santana: Month 1

From Santana: Month 1
German Guy, Alexis ( american highschooler doing community service in Guarare), Me, and Shiv ( My closets PCV in Guarare). All of us where at the 4th of July party that Bonnie had at her house.

Yesterday, the real work began. I helped 2 of the community members clear out fields with my machete. That work is NO JOKE. It was hot out there. The more i cleared, the more trees and weeds I found. You have to get low to the ground to cut better...which is awesome for back pains. A fter a while I couldn´t feel my pinky and ring finger on my right hand because of gripping the machete! By mid afternoon, we finished, and I already had blister...EVEN THROUGH THE GLOVES i was wearing... un believable. I guess i´ll toughen up here..haha.

In the evening we walked through mud ( mid-calve) to a community members house, TIN. Af ter a 20 minute walk through mudd, and trees, and going through a couple barred wire fences, we arrived at his house. It looked as if it was straight out of a witch But the great thing is that he had 2 puppies at his house...I fell in love with one! Even though she had flies and skin problems, I asked if i could buy her. The couple gave her to me for free....and I brought her home. I put some pulga OFF powder on her and made her a little bed... she wimpered for a little but soon after dinner, she fell asleep. This morning I she was as happy as could be. I came into town, las tablas, to get her some meds and vitamins. I also have to run some other errands before i go back to Santana.

Clearing fishtanks awaits me in the afternoon! And tonight im making tacos for my host family with guacamole! I gotta run now to get ingredients!

Love you all and MISS YOU!!

La nueva Princesa de Santana:

From Santana: Month 1


On the side panel of the Blog under ADDRESS and PHONE, I made some changes.
My new address is posted along with a public phone that is near my community.
The Peace Corps Office in Ciudad del Saber doesn´t want us getting all our mail sent there because they don´t have anywhere to put it. Please send anything to this new address. Make sure you don´t send anything valuable or monetary since i´m not sure how dependable this post office is!! =)