Peace Corps Panama

Hello, welcome to my blog. I created this blog as I am preparing to leave to Panama for the next 27 months. I will be serving as a Sustainable Agriculture Systems Extension Agent. I will try to keep my blog as updated as possible. Come Visit and Stay tuned so that I can share this experience with you.

Hola, Bienvenidos a mi Blog. Me estoy preparando para ir a Panamá los próximos 27 meses. Voy a estar sirviendo como agente de Sistemas sostenibles de Agricultura. Tratare de mantener este blog lo más actualizado posible. Vénganme a visitar. Manténgase informados con mi blog para que pueda compartir estas experiencias con ustedes.


Friday, May 29, 2009

End of Week 5

lo urgente ya se hizo
lo importante se esta haciendo
y los milagros solo los hace Dios
This was the sign at the entrance to the cafeteria line at INA. It was very appropiate for the week. My patience was definitly tested a lot but I did learn a lot and ended up having a great time.
This week I learned how to build a fish tank, how to sex fish, how to manage pastures, how to build a biodigestor, how to start a Goat project, how ducks can help maintain rice tanks, how fish and rice tanks can work witht the same water if properly managed, how government organizations work here in Panama, How these organizations can donate money, tools, and supplies to my future projects, and how to integrate the different parts of the farm so as to have an efficient system established.
Again I am surprised at the adaptation abilites that we humans have. The first night most of us in the group had trouble sleeping...the matresses were uncomfotable, most of us didn´t bring sheets for the beds, the BUGS were huge and EVERYWHERE, and the rain was so loud we could barely have conversations...yet by last night we were all unphased by the bugs, talking over the rain, and falling asleep without even worrying if our extremities touched the matress or not. Hahaha...

One of the nights I almost had a heart attack though. My roomate, Kaila, thought she saw a rat on our window (Mind you, my bed was near the window) and when I asked her...INSIDE OR OUT...she said.. I DON¨T KNOW, i just saw the tail! I didn´t know if to move scream, jump, stay still..all in a matter of seconds. Luckily it was just a scare. Nothing was inside and we will never know what was outside but it definitly startled me....I guess it´s just part of the
Today I have a doctor`s appointment in Panama City. I will be here tonight and tomorrow and then I´m off to EL CORTEZO for Cultural Training. El Cortezo is in my province (el AZUERO).
The agenda has hiking to waterfalls, cooking classes, charlas on the education system and volunteer`s role in schools, work with iguanas, hot springs visit, guitar lessons, and a traditional tamborito.
On a side note: I want to thank you all for you encouraging words, posts, calls, and emails. I read everything you all write. It also makes me really happy that I can share this experience with all of you!
Have a great weekend!!


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